- Perfect toy for cats that love to chew.
- Three different fabric textures are balled together with fun streamers sticking out on every side.
- Lightweight so your kitty can easily bat, carry and toss it around in a playful frenzy.
- Filled with catnip on the inside, and streamers on the outside, this lightweight, engaging toy will drive your kitty absolutely nuts
- .Colors and patterns vary (blue, green, purple, red or orange) and are easily distinguished by pets
- 適合愛咬咬的貓貓,
- 加入天然有機貓草令貓貓玩個不停
- 3 種不同物料刺激貓貓官感
- 輕量設計令貓貓可隨時咬, 追捕.
Petstages Tons Of Tails Catnip & Dental Toy 貓草潔齒咬咬繩