Lafancys has over 30 years in producting the best grooming products and they believe the main elements that create healthy hair are pH, protein and moisture. Lafancy's is a brand that has been widely recognized as "the highest level of quality in the industry"
La Fancy's Deep Cleansing Shampoo is a product formulated with a mild acidity (around pH 5) that is gentle on the hair and skin. Cleans dirty hair and oily hair. Its best to use deep cleansing before Nk12 or Nk18 shampoo, then finish up with Nk22 or Nk33 conditioner.
Lafancys 成立於1988年, 是日本殿堂級的洗護品牌, 共擁有超過30年的毛孩洗毛產品經驗. 弱酸性PH5, 特殊蛋白質P.P.T 是產品的核心理念. 30年來, 產品的安心品質, 出眾的效果深得繁育者和毛孩家長的喜愛. Deep Cleaning 可以深度去污, 抗氧化, 適合任何品種貓貓, 特別是白色和淺色貓貓.
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Japan Lafancys Deep Cleansing Shampoo 日本殿堂級 Lafancys 深層清潔香波