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NTANKO CARE Finger Toothbrush allows rubbing using thumb finger and index finger simultaneously gently to remove plaque from your pet’s teeth. 

Front and rear teeth teeth brushing process will become easier than ever, rub gently on the gum area area as well.

This product is recommended for those beginner pet owner who are yet be able to use regular brush handle. Apply finger toothbrush on both hand for a easier brushing experience.

Pet owner be able to switch to regular toothbrush once your pet cat familiar with tooth brushing habit.


手指潔齒套容易操作, 適合剛開始為貓咪刷牙的貓爸媽, 也適合對牙刷抗拒的貓咪們. 

純棉柔軟, 不入貓咪口腔, 日本製




從小為貓咪建立刷牙的習慣, 可以免除很多貓咪口腔問題喔!  套裝包括手指棉布牙刷, 牛奶味牙膏及超細刷頭牙刷.  全日本製.

Japan Mind Up Finger Tooth Brush 日本製 MIND UP 棉質手指潔齒套

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